Financial Advisory Services
An educated client is our best client. You can go practically anywhere to speak with a financial advisor and purchase investments. Wall Street brokerages, insurance companies and online discount brokers are vying for your business along with financial advisors, but do they know you? Ask yourself what type of firm you should trust. At Townsend, we staff CFPs (Certified Financial Planners) and CRPCs (Chartered Retirement Counselors) at our Denver and Westminster offices. These professionals will account for your goals during the financial planning process. We provide advisory services based on what best suites you both personally and financially. We believe our business model is aligned with pursuing solutions that are in your best interest and present a superior opportunity for you because:
- We are an independent, privately owned firm with deep roots in the Denver community
- We rely on referrals from our clients to grow our business, which means we are very motivated to please every client we serve.
- As an independent financial advisory firm with fiduciary responsibilities, now growing with offices serving Denver, Westminster and nearby areas, we choose financial products that are best for you – unbiased by the demands and sales quotas that could be imposed by a corporate parent.
- Our certified and licensed advisors are salaried. We focus on developing and managing comprehensive financial strategy that meets your unique needs and we have no hidden agenda.
- You receive personal attention and guidance from our professional advisors who come to know you.
This is the value in personal financial planning at Townsend. Our certified financial advisor and knowledgeable staff is there to genuinely assist you in the best way possible. We start our process by scheduling a free consultation at either our Denver or Westminster office, where you’re able to meet with a financial advisor to discuss your future goals and ask any questions (making sure that we are the best fit for what you’re looking for!) This consultation is a great opportunity for you to understand our financial planning process while also establishing a relationship with a financial advisor. After your consultation, our financial planners can build a profile which consists of an indepth look at your overall financial picture; including income sources, total assets available and your retirement income needs. Townsend will then schedule you in for a profile review with your advisor and see if you have any assets needing to be managed at that time.
The Townsend advisory staff includes experienced financial experts who provide advice to a variety of clientele with various needs and at various stages of retirement. You may come in for financial assistance or retirement planning, but we offer so much more. Depending upon your situation and requests, our financial advisory services include:
- Comprehensive Retirement Planning
- Wealth Management
- Portfolio Management
- Legacy Planning
- Tax Reduction Strategies
- Client Financial Education
- 401(k) and Pension Rollovers
- 401(k) Allocation Recommendations
- Lifetime Income Solutions
We encourage you to explore all the financial advisory services we offer to see what suites you. Not sure? That is no problem, as our financial advisors are ready and willing to assist you. Please contact our Denver or Westminster office to set up an appointment with a financial advisor today!
Please Note: No portion of the video content should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience the same or a certain level of results or satisfaction if Townsend is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services.
Please Note: The scope of any retirement planning, financial planning and consulting services to be provided depend upon the terms of the engagement, and the request and needs of the client. Townsend & Associates, Inc. does not serve as an attorney or accountant. Townsend & Associates, Inc. does not prepare estate planning documents or tax returns.
Retirement Planning
A Retirement Plan Starts with a Clear Vision
A secure retirement may not be your only financial planning goal, but it’s probably the most important goal when planning for your future. Our financial planners know what it takes to help get your retirement planning to a good place. We can help you explore all your options and help you set the course for a successful retirement by answering questions such as:
- When will you retire?
- What kind of lifestyle do you want to achieve?
- Are your goals realistic based on your resources?
When meeting with an advisor at either our Denver or Westminster office, we will help you consider all of your retirement resources from your 401(k) plans, IRAs, real estate, savings, to your direct income sources such as pensions and Social Security. From here, our financial planning specialists will design a comprehensive retirement plan to help you pursue your dream retirement.
When was your last financial exam?
Have you ever had a physical? Why? Most likely it was a preventative measure and to see what kind of shape you were in. When was the last time you checked to see what shape your finances were in? Do you have a financial plan set in place for your coming years?
Our planning and investment management firm located in Denver and Westminster can provide you with a customized, comprehensive analysis of your retirement outlook. It is completely objective, clear and easy to understand. It is based on your assets, your savings plan, stock options, and current investment objectives which are all then analyzed in terms of your retirement goals and most importantly in terms that you can understand. As always, a financial planner or advisor is available to answer any questions you may have.
After meeting with an advisor at either our Denver or Westminster office for your initial consultation, our financial planning specialists will create a year-by-year model showing how your savings will look during retirement. You will:
- see exactly how your Social Security, pensions and investment earnings can be utilized each year.
- see how much you will need each year to compensate for inflation and pay your taxes.
- be able to see how long you can expect your funds to last. (Note that the models are based on hypothetical rates of return. Because projected rates are subject to external economic changes, models may fall short or exceed stated objectives.)
Your financial planner will seek to offer recommendations to help improve the financial outlook of your retirement.
All this will be presented to you during a personal financial planning consultation at our Denver or Westminster office. You will walk away with a detailed report illustrating your retirement outlook. All you need to do is provide us with the information necessary to run these essential calculations for you so we can start our thorough financial planning process. Please call us today at 303.452.5986 or toll-free at 1.800.578.9896 or fill out our brief Inquiry Form below to schedule your free, no-hassle consultation with our expert financial planners. Rest assured, any and all information you provide us will be kept completely confidential at all times, and not just during the planning process.
We believe so strongly that everyone should have this exam done so that we are making this service available to you for $265.00. The important thing is this: Do It Now! You will be amazed how much better you’ll feel just knowing where you stand financially and having a retirement plan in place.
Our goal is to offer our services to those in the Denver Metro area and assist with their retirement planning and investment management needs! We hope to help you pursue your dream retirement!
Please Note: No portion of the video content should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience the same or a certain level of results or satisfaction if Townsend is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services.
401K & Pension Rollovers
Pursuing a Successful Retirement
If you have a 401(k), pension, or some other retirement plan with a previous employer, you should strongly consider the benefits of transferring your retirement assets into a Rollover IRA or a Traditional IRA. The expert staff at Townsend are familiar with making this transition for our Denver, Westminster and other local clients which is why we can easily walk you through this process.
A Rollover IRA or Traditional IRA is a tax advantaged IRA account designed to receive retirement funds rolled over from an ex-employer’s retirement plan. The IRA rollover allows funds to be transferred over tax free and penalty free from other retirement plans and allows retirement funds already set aside to continue to grow tax deferred until retirement. When leaving an employer whether voluntary or involuntary, many experts believe there are advantages to rolling over your 401(k) or other retirement plan into a new IRA versus leaving your money in your old employer’s retirement plan or transferring it into your new employer’s plan. We advise seeking a financial advisors’ recommendation on the right allocation options for you.
Key advantages of an IRA Rollover/Traditional IRA
- Control – When the rollover process is complete, your past 401(k), pension or other retirement plan assets from your previous employer will be transferred to an IRA. Since you are the owner of an IRA, you have complete control versus being dependent upon the rules and policies of your former employer’s retirement plan including partial or full distributions.
- Investment Flexibility – Your previous employer’s 401(k) probably had a limited number of investment options funds to choose from and in some cases had a certain percentage of your investments in their company stock. A rollover to an IRA will increase your investment options and will improve your investment flexibility. We believe that over the long term, greater investment flexibility may lead to improved performance through better diversification and increased investment selection.
- Investment Guidance – Are you receiving guidance from a financial professional with selecting the appropriate investments in your qualified retirement plan? This is perhaps the greatest advantage of a rollover to an IRA. If you opened an IRA rollover account, a Townsend financial advisor will help you select a diversified investment portfolio based on your age, time horizon and risk tolerance. Schedule a free consultation at either our Denver or Westminster office, where you’re able to meet with a financial advisor to discuss your future goals.
- Sound Investment Philosophy and Investment Selection – Our active investment philosophy is designed with an objective to participate in market gains and limit losses in declining markets while seeking a rate of return consistent with one’s investment objectives and risk tolerance. Our investment selection is not only based on competitive advantages they may have, but for investments that we believe will stay competitive. Our investment committee researches, tests and scrutinizes everything from strategies, costs, risk, management stewardship and long-term performance for our clients in Denver, Westminster and other local areas. We are focused on fundamentals and are more patient with short-term underperformance. It has been our experience that if you concentrate solely on short-term performance one would constantly be chasing returns which often leads to being whipsawed back and forth, in other words buying high and selling low.
Disadvantages of an IRA Rollover/Traditional IRA
- Potential tax consequences if the rollover isn’t executed properly.
- Company sponsor plans may have provisions which allow you to take a loan instead of having to take a withdrawal in an IRA only if employed or while employed.
- Company sponsor plans allow you to take a distribution after you reach age 55 and are no longer employed without incurring a 10% penalty as with an IRA. An IRA can be set up to take a distribution before age 59½ without a penalty however you need to take a distribution from your accounts for 5 years in equal payments.
- Might not have access to investments inside your retirement plan such as company stock purchasing plans.
Gone are the days when workers could depend totally on Social Security and company pensions to achieve a successful retirement. Today, people are realizing that working toward their retirement goals requires careful planning and making the most of employer-sponsored plans, such as 401(k) plans. For most American workers, their 401(k) will be the cornerstone for their retirement savings, especially with the correct allocations.
However, this assumes that one possesses the time and knowledge to navigate the investment landscape with reasonable success. We find that most people are better savers than investors. Our clients who are still working can take benefit from our 401(k) Advantage which will provide recommendations specific to your risk tolerance and your plan’s options. This service is available until the client retires or terminates employment.
Take charge of your future, schedule a complimentary consultation at our Denver or Westminster office by calling 303.452.5986. One of our financial advisors would be happy to discuss your 401(k), or pension, providing recommendations on allocation options to best fit you.
Please Note: If Townsend recommends that a client roll over their retirement plan assets into an account to be managed by Townsend, such a recommendation creates a conflict of interest if Townsend will earn new (or increase its current) compensation as a result of the rollover. No client is under any obligation to roll over retirement plan assets to an account managed by Townsend
Disclosures This material is for general information purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security, or of a specific investment strategy. Each investor’s portfolio must be constructed based on the individual’s financial resources, investment goals, risk tolerance, investing time horizon, tax situation and other relevant factors. Please consult a financial advisor regarding your specific situation prior to implementing an investment plan. There is no guarantee that any financial plan or investment strategy will achieve its stated objectives.
Investing involves risk, including loss of principal. An investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than original investment amount. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
Securities America and its representative do not provide tax or legal advice. Tax and legal services are coordinated with independent, third-party tax and legal professionals.
Legacy Planning
Legacy and Asset Protection Solutions: Protecting Your Life Savings and Legacy
One of the most difficult parts of retirement planning can be preparing for the distribution of your estate (everything that you own including life insurance death benefits) after your death. No one likes to think about this inevitable event, much less plan for it.
Legacy planning is the process of setting forth binding instructions so that when you die, your estate is distributed according to your wishes, with a minimum of bother or expense for your heirs. Legacy planning doesn’t have to focus so much on death; but rather on life. Think of it as a final act of love.
Your wealth, whether large or small, represents a lifetime of hard work and smart investing. It also represents the courageous decisions, fiscal responsibility and personal sacrifices you have made throughout the years.
At Townsend, our financial advisors along with estate planning attorneys, can help you formulate a plan that can provide:
- Lifetime income to your heirs
- Benefit your favorite charities
- Avoid probate
- Protect your estate from spendthrift beneficiaries, divorces, bankruptcies and lawsuits
Talk to your Townsend advisor to help you start this process.
Please Note: No portion of the video content should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he/she will experience the same or a certain level of results or satisfaction if Townsend is engaged, or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services.
Securities America and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult the appropriate professional regarding your specific situation.
Client Education
An informed client makes for a better client and our client like to be in the know. We hold educational presentations throughout the year to help empower our clients when it comes time to make important decisions that impact their financial future.
Some of the classes we provide are:
- Retirement Planning
- Psychology of Retirement
- Long-Term Care Planning
- Estate Planning
- Medicare Enrollment
- Budgeting
- Finance
- Identity Theft Protection
- Economics and Markets
In addition to these publicly available classes. Townsend offers employer educational events. Townsend works with human resource directors to provide on-site financial education where we highlight the various approaches and important elements of living a financially responsible life. For more information on organizing a presentation for your company, department or group of colleagues, please contact our Events & Communication Manager, Savanna Brown, at Savanna@TownsendRetirement.com.
To watch past educational webinars we have hosted, expand the tab below titled Educational Webinars.
Educational Webinars
Fatal Flaws Webinar Presented by Robert Laura
Medicare Webinar Presented by Liz Tredennick
Social Security Webinar Presented by Martha Shedden
Retirement Coaching
Retirement Coaching
How do you want your retirement to look? We often hear from clients that they hope to travel, golf, fish, spend time with grandkids or basically do whatever they feel like doing that day. You’ve probably spent three to four decades working and have relationships with some of the people you work with which will naturally diminish after you retire. Perhaps your identity comes from the work you do. What will be your new identity? How are you going to fill 2,080 hours or more a year? You can only golf or travel so much! One of our successful retirees once told me that it’s more important to retire to something than from something. How true this is! This is where retirement coaching can help you to have a purposeful retirement.
So, what is Retirement Coaching?
Retirement Coaching is a process whereby client and coach explore all aspects of designing a dynamic and rewarding retirement lifestyle and serves to guide the client towards implementing a plan of action. Broadly speaking, it is the process of helping clients prepare for and transition into everyday retirement life.
Our retirement coach can help you consider such things as expanding your identity to include roles other than work, staying relevant and connected, keeping mentally and physically engaged, and perhaps becoming spiritually grounded. In other words, we use tools and resources to help you prepare for the non-financial aspects of retirement. Retirement coaching is a way we give our clients permission to discover who they are, and how they want to live the second half of their life.
We currently offer group sessions which includes interactive exercises to get you thinking and planning for your own retirement. Retirement can be such an exciting time in your life, and we want you to be fully prepared for this transition.